We Give a Fit - Men's Shirts Done Right

We made a name for ourselves at Bonobos by perfecting one thing, and one thing only: better fitting pants for men. Now we've taken that commitment and reinvented how men's shirts should fit.

We solved the "khaki diaper butt" dilemma with pants, and now our designers are proud to say they've helped another distressed soul—the "muffin top man". You know him too. His pants fit fine but that tucked-in shirt billows out around his waist and arms making him look like Jesse Pinkman in a hazmat suit getting (a little too) jiggy-with-it.

Cue our best fitting men's shirts yet.

Ging Crosby slim shirt in Navy

Un-tucked or tucked in, doesn't matter, these shirts are meant to be worn from the cubicle to the pub crawl. And no matter if you're a 6 ft+ lumberjack or the slimmer-built lad we got 2 fits that cater to multiple body types:
  • Standard fit is not too boxy nor too slim, it's comfortable across the shoulders and chest with a slight taper through the waist
  • Slim fit is a trimmer version of the standard fit that's cut more narrowly through the body

Limey Rickey shirt in Slim fit and Savannah Travel Jeans
Daily Grind shirt in Standard fit and Monday Blues slacks

These casual shirts are yet another wardrobe workhouse to compliment our roster of better fitting men's clothes. A plethora of prints and colors for Spring are now available so try on a few and let us know what you think. "Any shirt, any time, any reason" returns apply so get to it. Relieved?